We have recent issues of TAG available for purchase here. [Earlier issues that have been sold out in print are available free online to members.]
For more information on the contents of The Aquatic Gardener, see our The Aquatic Gardener page.
Pricing and Online Ordering
Prices include Media Mail shipping within the USA. Orders for back issues from outside the US will not be accepted unless they include funds to cover foreign shipping charges.
Prices include shipping within the USA. Orders for back issues from outside the US will not be accepted unless they include money to cover foreign shipping charges.
All inquiries about back issues should be directed to bookstore@aquatic-gardeners.org.
Our shopping cart is handled via PayPal. However, you do not have to have a Paypal account in order to use our system. If you do not have a PayPal account, or if you prefer not to use it, simply enter your credit card information on the checkout page. If you have a PayPal account, but prefer not to use it, enter a different e-mail address than the one PayPal has on file.
If paying by mail, send check or money order along with a note as to what it's for to:
Aquatic Gardeners Association
PO Box 51536
Denton TX 76206
All funds must payable to "Aquatic Gardeners Association" and must be in U.S. Currency.